Leila Boutaleb-Brousse
Eylee Coaching
Motivation and Performance Coach
Leila is a certified Jay Shetty coach, with several women executive clients mainly in the Tech and the Financial services industry, who are already seeing improvement in their lives and excited to share that with others.
Following 16 years in marketing strategy and leadership within dynamic, challenging and constantly evolving environement, Leila decided to connect to her purpose: a passion to serve and guide women executive and entrepreneurs to be aligned with their authentic selves and empowered to pursue a fulfilled life, based on what they need and what they want.
Many women executive andentrepreneurs feel stuck, suffers from the imposter syndrome or simply lack the energy to pursue what they really want. That leads to stress, anxiety and sometimes a loss of their own purpose. Leila's 4 steps E.T.A.P framework not only restores their sens of purpose, but also help them gain confidence, be empowered and live a fulfilled and authentic professional and personal life.